this is absolutely nuts. ainsley: that is new video already showing the storm s power as it brings devastating floods down it the key west area. we expect to see more of those, tossing planes around like toys. todd: we have team coverage now. fox weather correspondent nicole valdez. we start with fox weather correspondent robert ray in fort myers. robert? ainsley: trouble obviously with his microphone. we can t hear you, robert. right now, it does look bad. fox weather correspondent nicole valdez continues our coverage, she is in tampa. we are only starting to rapidly see conditions deteriorating here for the tampa bay area as hurricane ian, that now category 4 storm. you just mentioned with winds at 155 miles per hour. it is teetering on a category 5 storm. you heard governor ron desantis there saying our emergency management officials are planning and preparing to see a category 5 storm. that is how seriously they are taking this situation knowing what we could se
that helps fuel and charge this up. as these rain bands and wind bands come in, outer bands, the storm sitting out to the southwest right now. less than 60 miles in the gulf of mexico. as you see, those waves continue to increase. so many people have evacuated this region specifically where i m at right now. if there are folks, they are hunker down in their high-rises. hopefully they don t have vehicles. there s no way to get them up. back to you. todd: all right, interesting series of events. we ll continue to watch. good news for tampa. we re less than six weem weeks from the midterm. ohio senate seat in a dead heat. ainsley: we ll look at 9% still undecided. lawrence jones is having breakfast with friends in bowling green, ohio. to see where they stand on the issues.