NEW DELHI, Mar 6: A CBI team on Monday visited the residence of former Bihar Chief Minister Rabri Devi in connection with “further probe” in the land for jobs scam case, officials said. There is no search or raid taking place, they said. The CBI had already filed its charge sheet in the case and the special court has summoned the accused, including former Railways Minister Lalu Prasad and his family members and others on March 15, they said. The […]
The CBI on Monday conducted raids at the residence of former Bihar Chief Minister Rabri Devi in Patna in connection with the land of job scam. The central probe agency has got the prosecution sanction against against former Railway Minister Lalu Prasad in the matter. aaa
ISLAMABAD: Federal Minister for Railways Muhammad Azam Khan Swati, on Monday, said that he and his team was fully determined to take Pakistan Railways to new heights of glory as billions of rupees would be generated from branding of trains.