Just a week after a Hindupur YSR Congress Party (YSRCP) leader was killed, a former sarpanch of Mysuruvaripalle panchayat in Railway koduru mandal of Annamayya district of Andhra Pradesh and YSRCP leader Diviti Rammohan (50) was done to death on Saturday. As per reports, the YSRCP leader was sitting on the veranda of his home in Shantinagar, when two unidentified men wearing
An intermediate student died by suicide at Raghavarajupuram of Railway Kodur mandal in Annamayya district on Thursday. Varalakshmi, 16, has been studying an intermediate second year at Chaitanya College in Tirupati. When the girl's mother came home in the evening, who went out for some work and broke the door to see her daughter hanging from the ceiling fan. Immediately, the