Rail Operations (UK) Ltd orders 30 Class 93 tri-mode trains from Stadler
The Class 93 trains can operate at a higher speed than trainsets already in operation in the UK and will work to significantly reduce carbon emissions.
Credit: Stadler
Stadler and Rail Operations (UK) Limited have announced that they have signed a framework agreement for the supply of 30 Class 93 tri-mode locomotives. Deliveries are expected to start in early 2023.
The advanced locomotives will significantly reduce CO
2 emissions for rail freight, as well as potential passenger transport services, underscoring Stadler’s green credentials and demonstrating its commitment to decarbonisation.
Class 93 is a Bo’Bo’ mixed-traffic locomotive that is based on Stadler’s Class 68 and Class 88 locomotives that have been operating successfully in the UK for some years. It is capable of reaching higher speeds than the previous ones; i.e.110 mph instead of 100mph.
UK: European fund manager STAR Capital Partnership has made a ‘significant’ investment in Rail Operations (UK) Ltd, which owns operating company Rail Operations Group, freight subsidiary Orion and rolling stock storage and disposal business Traxion.
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