Earlier, ASHA workers used to get Rs 6,500 a month. Now, they will get Rs 8,000. In addition to that, they get Rs 200-Rs 3,000 in lieu of 56 activities they work on, said Sawant during the Question HourEarlier, ASHA workers used to get Rs 6,500 a month. Now, they will get Rs 8,000. In addition to that, they get Rs 200-Rs 3,000 in lieu of 56 activities they work on, said Health Minister Tanaji Sawant during the Question Hour
Speaker Rahul Narvekar on Wednesday set up a 15-member privileges committee of the House for 2023-24 to be headed by BJP legislator Rahul Kul, amid uproar over Raut allegedly calling the Vidhimandal (state legislature) "chor-mandal" (council of thieves)
A day after Union Home Minister Amit Shah's visit to Mumbai, the Maharashtra Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) launched the 'Mission Baramati-2024' to shake the bastion of the Nationalist Congress Party president Sharad Pawar and his family, here on .
Days after the collapse of the Shiv Sena-led Maha Vikas Aghadi government and the formation of the Shinde-Fadnavis government in Maharashtra, BJP, which plays second fiddle in the new government, has decided to focus on NCP chief Sharad Pawar’s bastion Baramati in a serious bid to win the seat in 2024 Lok Sabha elections.