Actor Kamaal Rashid Khan, popularly known as KRK, was arrested by Versova Police for allegedly demanding sexual favours from an actress and holding the complainant s hand in the first week of January 2019.
Kamaal Rashid Khan, also known as KRK, has been arrested for the second time in this week. This time the complaint against him is of sexual harassment.
Film criticist and actor KRK has been arrested by the Versova Police for allegedly demanding sexual favors from an actress in January 2019 |
Get latest articles and stories on India at LatestLY. Actor Kamaal Rashid Khan, popularly known as KRK, was arrested by Versova Police for allegedly demanding sexual favours from an actress and holding the complainant s hand in the first week of January 2019. India News | Actor KRK Arrested by Versova Police for Demanding Sexual Favours, Sent to Judicial Custody.