Qarar | Hum TV, Sundays 8.00pm
The nooze tightening around horrible Maya’s (Sanam Jung) neck is her own doing. Busy with her extra-marital affair with ex-husband Salman (Ali Safina) and being nasty to people, Maya doesn’t quite realise that husband Junaid (Mikaal Zulfiqar) had already smelt a rat and was closely watching her. Allured by Salman’s promise of a wealthy lifestyle, she asks Junaid to divorce her while the selfish Salman, who is not prepared to be a father to Junaid’s child, pressurises Maya to abort the baby. With a speck of sense in her head, Maya refuses to abort her baby and walks out of the clinic in a huff, but the villainous Salman actually trips her and Maya falls flat on her snooty face. If that doesn’t make you LOL, Ali Safina’s evil smile certainly will.