Work your thing out work your thing out work your thing out work your thing out work your thing out work your thing out palmharris whats up, beach . Can we hear it for fail gutierrez farah fail gutierrez for Rafael Guttierez . That is what leadership looks like. What rafael knows is the real leadership comes from the people. It is so good to be in palm beach. Lois wrangell, where are you . I want to thank you for your leadership. It is good to be in your home district. Thank you, sister. Terry rizzo, the chair of the Florida Democratic party. Ted deutch again. We were just together. Thank you, congressman ted deutch. I think alfie hastings may be here. But i want to thank all of the leaders, all of the leaders, elected and not elected, for everything you have been doing here in florida because florida is going to determine in every way who will be the next president of the United States. And you all have been doing your thing. You have been doing your thing. You have been organizing fo