The first and only english language online news publication in the Dominican Republic. Providing local and international news, DR guides and access to real estate and car portals. Your most up to date source for info on the Dominican Republic.
The first and only english language online news publication in the Dominican Republic. Providing local and international news, DR guides and access to real estate and car portals. Your most up to date source for info on the Dominican Republic.
The first and only english language online news publication in the Dominican Republic. Providing local and international news, DR guides and access to real estate and car portals. Your most up to date source for info on the Dominican Republic.
The first and only english language online news publication in the Dominican Republic. Providing local and international news, DR guides and access to real estate and car portals. Your most up to date source for info on the Dominican Republic.
La Junta Central Electoral (JCE) se maneja con un deficit mensual que ronda los 120 millones de pesos, segun informe presentado por los miembros del Pleno