The deputy director of the Clinical Center Nis, Radmilo Jankovic, says that there is no chance that the situation in Serbia will be different than in Western Europe in the coming period, where there are sudden jumps in the number of new Covid cases, and lockdowns. He also believes that the Omicron strain of coronavirus is much more present in circulation than we assume.
Zamenik direktora Univerzitetskog Kliničkog centra u Nišu, prof. dr Radmilo Janković je već duže vreme upozoravao da će doći do ovog, a po svemu sudeći i goreg stanja .
Zbog rasta broja hospitalizovanih, u narednih nekoliko dana u kovid bolnici u Kruševcu više neće biti slobodnih mesta, izjavio je zamenik direktora Niškog kliničkog .