QCOSTARICA Costa Rica's well known bureaucracy keeps the massive deployment of 5G technology frozen, and with this, puts investment, competitiveness and job creation at risk. So far, there is no defined date to hold the first auction among operators interested in deploying this technology in the country, much less, can we see the horizon…
Costa Rican regulator Sutel (Superintendencia de Telecomunicaciones) has called on the government to help it regain control over unused 2.6GHz spectrum holdings, which it claims are “vital for the development of 5G in Costa Rica.”
A long-running dispute over unused spectrum in and around the 3500MHz band in Costa Rica appears to be at an end after an agreement this week between the government and the state utility that owned the spectrum.
The past week has seen some strong measures from Costa Rica’s incoming president directed at Instituto Costarricense de Electricidad (ICE) the Costa Rican government-run electricity and telecommunications services provider.