Bernard Cribbins, a beloved British entertainer whose seven-decade career ranged from the bawdy "Carry On" comedies to children's television and "Doctor Who," has died.
Bernard Cribbins, a beloved British entertainer whose seven-decade career ranged from the bawdy "Carry On" comedies to children s television and "Doctor Who," has died.
University of New Mexico Professor Hugh Witemeyer died after a short illness on. Born June 10, 1939, Witemeyer died on May 1, 2022, a little over a month short of his 83rd birthday. He is survived his wife of 35 years, Barbara Ellen Watkins.
Radio Romania s Radio Theatre received three nominations for the Theatre Union awards for best radio theatre production. The
productions in question are: A century of Romanian theatre in Chişinău - The revenge of forbidden memory,
written by Mariana Onceanu, Radio Noir. Crime stories (Season 1), staged
by Mihnea Chelaru and The Tudor Vladimirescu Case written by Gavriil
Pinte. Today, however, we will be introducing you to director Mihnea Chelaru,
who is well-known for his innovative work in the field of sound art, having won
many prizes at important radio drama international festivals, such as New York
Festivals World s Best Radio Programs and the 60 Second Radio competition in
Montreal. We spoke with Mihnea Chelaru about his passion for radio drama, his
recent nomination for the Theatre Union awards and about how he ended up
staging the radio five stories from the Bucharest Noir collection
published by Tritonic and written by Bogdan Hrib, Tony Mott, Dan Radoiu,