Life Chronicles of Dorothea Ïesj S.P.U. is a sci-fi audio novel in three episodes with video subtitles; written and directed by ALMARE, it is curated by Radio Papesse, promoted in collaboration with Timespan and produced thanks to the support of the Italian Council, a program to promote Italian art by the Directorate-General for Contemporary Creativity of the Italian Ministry of Culture.
What's on this week in Florence: HI WOMAN! The News of the Future, Harlem Gospel Choir, Lucia Festival, Christmas markets, Charity Dinner at the Four Seasons Hotel Firenze, Chiesa di Ognissanti
What's on this month in Florence: Benozzo Gozzoli and the Chapel of the Magi and Il Fiorentino: The Grand Diamond of Tuscany, 21st River to River Florence Indian Film Festival, Arezzo Città del Natale, Christmas Concerts, Ferris wheel and Florence on Ice Village, HI WOMAN! The News of the Future, Lucia Festival, Galileo Chini and European Symbolism, Christmas markets, Cinema Odeon, Community Events