THE United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) has challenged journalists in the country to invest efforts and prioritise reporting on children issues so as to help the group stay safe and achieve full potential.
DW Akademie supports the establishment of information services and feedback systems in refugee camps and fosters dialogue between displaced people and host communities.
United Republic of Tanzania: Inter-Agency Operational Update #20 (March 2021)
223,685 Total camp-based population
144,791 Burundian population of concern
78,737 Congolese population of concern
157 Other Nationalities population of concern
116,652 Burundian refugees repatriated voluntarily since 2017
Results and Impact
▪ UNHCR continues to manage the logistics of the Voluntary Repatriation Convoys. During the reporting period. Some 3,199 individuals voluntarily repatriated to Burundi. This brings to 7,224 the number of returnees who have been repatriated voluntarily in 2021 (116,652 since the exercise began in September 2017).
▪ A total of 404 PoCs received various legal services in March 2021. These services include; camp exit permit support, legal aid clinics, bail services, court representation, and visitation in case of incarceration.