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In London because of insurance and safety issues c.b.s. As Vicki Barker is there live regulators here say Uber has cleaned up its act somewhat in those 2 years but they still found 14000 trips made by uninsured drivers in the past year alone Alex Wood for I think the message is that London is very much open for business but it s about accepting the regulations to make sure that fundamentally passengers in London can keep operating while it appeals It s $45000.00 drivers at 3 and a half 1000000 customers can also choose from other right handling competitors which have passed regulatory muster here Peter its 4 minutes after the hour hey hunters when you re out of the woods maybe you re deer hunting maybe you re a vacationer and you re on a trip the last thing in the world you want is to have your battery go dead in your vehicle so before you head out get by battery Outfitters I don t want to highway North s not a Rogers and lot of trash that old battery if you do need a new battery you
And slammed into the back of him into its back striking several occupants who were pushing it one of the people pushing the Suburban was killed and pronounced dead at the scene another person pushing the Suburban was taken by air ambulance to a hospital in Little Rock for his injuries a passenger in the Suzuki was taken to a local hospital for head injuries and received. Received as a result of not wearing a seat belt others were standing others at the scene that were standing with less injuries with less serious injuries tailored in a dental fight those injured in the on volved in the crash Taylor says a crate is under investigation anyone with information about the Cray she is asked to call the police department at 75145428 missing Hunter has been found in a Deer County and is Ok the a Dare County Emergency Management reported this morning the hunter was found following a massive weekend search the agency s Facebook page didn t identify the hunter or the details of how us found seve
Donna Carter our insurance professionals licensed in Arkansas welcome to smart money strategies brought to you by goldfinch financial strategies with weight and Donna Carter this is white Carter and this is Donna Carter we ll show you how to build a solid plan for your retirement years to secure your growing hopes and desires grist for retirement or you ll never have to worry about outliving your money goldfinch financial strategies we help our clients reach their retirement dreams through financial awareness and assuring that you never outlive your retirement income this is smart money strategies you guys. Thanks so much for joining us today here on smart money strategies brought to you by goldfinch financial strategies with the husband wife team of Wayne Donna Carter and myself my name is Chris Juan and here is a reach out to the show 479-725-3806 again 479-725-3806 also toll free 855-297-7233 we do the toll free number in addition to the local number because Gulf and financial stra
Gene cabinet will have a 1905 Toyota Tacoma elex with extended cab there s household furniture turquoise jewelry Queen life oak bedroom set with 4 drawer chest and 7 drawer dresser with Mira Nair s lift top cabinet double pedestal desk fifty s desk bookcase small bookcases old trunks There s deer desktop radio disc player wrought iron plant stands medio coffee and lamp tables check canister tea set costume jewelry antique quilts small kitchen appliances there s a Serafin the classic Angel collection and there s an automatic Tacoma as we said 95 model with just 58000 miles there s tools and miscellaneous items things like a Murray 20 inch self-propelled lawn more like new again the Ruth family estate sells Saturday November 23rd 9 30 am at 3 o 9 Wayland drive Springdale Here s directions from South Thompson That s the south side of the hospital go east on quad Ave for 3 blocks turn south or to the right on Maple drive for 2 blocks then east on Wayland drive and watch for Mike g. Price