Events though some are slightly less fictional than others being products of a more or less shared human imagination and this will be my. 1130th weekly memo of the air show my 361st for a k n y o my 215 for k m e c I m going to check in a minute to make sure that I m actually on came easy and will get through with that Santa theme it s a night show is traced the roof versus l. Santo at the palindrome on Thor Galen. Park a pipe organ right of the boundaries of the back in just a minute I need to check on something. I. Bear that keep plates that are. In a daze at the end and that s a. Very powerful carry on merry evocative than other words that I don t know I don t have very much of a Candler It s like an l.t.r. In that regard. John Llewellyn knew about that so I didn t have a whole lot to say about John Llewellyn when he died because I didn t I knew him he seemed to like me. He s dead. And somebody just wandered in the door Hi Come on in. I will tell you about John Julius Lewellen. Be
The Choo-Choo chain things. I m way I. Have to be. Bold. The Choo-Choo chain that. Way. To be. I am. 7 do you. C. K. Intelligent. People. Coming. Along with some respect let me. Tell you let me. Think that means that the money is simply the instrument that means something to keep. Me in this. With your self-respect that means something I m going to be long in the. Long. Term would you. Tell something. Like that might. Never let them. Closely. Sally. What s up with. The. Rest. Of it is I guess it. Will be. Carried. On the bank if. I get it in the week Ok I m going to. Get to get that down with them cut. On it s got. To come. Into the park I chuckle to put something. On the pavement. Yet. To. Come get. Me. But there was. Something. Coming. Which made it in. There on the. Street an open space to meet the common. Things. On the plane and make them play the me they have in this pic of me and. Then miss them and keep. It going. Oh I thought for them and for them pretty much until that int
you re me you ve got to move when I move I expect to keep. My marriage. It s interesting. To see if. I end. Told. To you. But. But. There. Is. But. Let s. Say. You. Love. Me. Let s. Pick up all the sound on the poll the good news not the sole But even though some. Element of modern. Cars sold out on the shoulder of the top is a. Closer. Look. Into the falling. Slowly the song goes come up. The phone. That.
So you. Never got this interview with the back do you. Think. He puts. Her in. The. Super. Speaks. It. Down. Enough so. We re. Going. To make that connection. And. I. Play. Spree member. Of the burning bush would you. Wish. To keep. I don t. Eternal. Pleasure. Seems. To. Me. Well. I ve. I ve. I ve. I ve. Let. You have to somehow exercise that in. Tolerate. My breath there had been in what he called Extra environmental that. He said the reason we are fascinated by the alien because we want to become. In Italy and this is the thing that keeps coming back to about the need to graduate from. I mean I m going to be it s not about recovering. Rob. We re beyond that the battle. By the rain. And not knowing when you re that is the member of the class. Glory that s the cream. Man for later things like racism is some. Averaging pulling our clock. Have you helping now with that. For example. The only large group. As they race with that a bunch of people not a quality. Water molecule rap rap