Her book that we re studying from is called the Song of Solomon It begins with this verse the Song of Songs which is Solomon s and what it is is a love poem it has 2 lovers communicating what it really is is the music of marriage may I say this to you if you are married are intend to get married or you will communicate are your marriage will disintegrate communicate our disintegrate Proverbs Chapter 18 verse 21 death and life are in the power of the tongue and they that love it shall eat the fruit there of 1st Peter chapter 3 in verse 10 For he that will love life and see the good days let him raise frame his time from evil and his lips that they speak no God I get he saying if you are a lover of life if you want to see good days then you must control your speech how many marriages are own the rocks because of poor communication if you can t communicate here you can t stay together there are 5 basic levels of communication 1st as what is the frivolous level we ll do that all day long
I want to just remind you this is tomorrow night December 8th at midnight is the cut off on the contest that applies no matter where you live in the u.s. And I just got a newsletter request from Spain I don t think there are companies going to want to send it over there but anyway. The prize are 3 it s a package of 3 different negative ion generators one is the standard one that will take care of let s say a master bedroom and one is a fan and the other one is a personal one that kind of you carry with you and kind of keep a good space around your with negative ions from purified air and the package is worth $160.00 and if. You already subscribe to the newsletter then you just send an e-mail to info at h b n show dot com Put your address in there so we ll know where and just in subject line just put contest and if you are not a scribe or to the newsletter then sign up and if when you go to the website if a pop up doesn t come up inviting you to do that then on the menu you go across t
VNS that if any obey not the word They also may without the word be one by the behavior of the wives while they behold your chaste cond coupled with fear whose adorning let it not be that outward adorning of the braiding of hair in the wearing of gold all the putting on of apparel but let it be the hidden man of the heart and that which is not corruptible even the ornament of a meek and quiet spirit which is in the sight of God great price for after this manner in old time the holy women also who trusted in God adorn themselves being in subjection unto their own husbands even as Sarah obeyed Abraham calling him Lord whose daughters e-R. As long as you do well and are not afraid with any a carer in like manner you husbands do well with them according to knowledge giving on or unto the wife as unto the weaker vessel and as being heirs together of the grace of life that your prayers be not hindered finally be all of one mind having compassion one of another love as brother and be pitiful
A month say that it was a sadness. Everyone says Culture Marsh broadcast producer here at the James Dobson Family Institute It is months a term nationally constituent services department and we want to wish you all a very Merry Christmas. This is Roger Marsh for family time do you remember Dr Dobson s touching interview with Rebecca Gregory The hardest part of that day was not the physical violence the emotional it was everything that not only I saw that my son saw as well or what about the powerful interview with Dennis Prager nice people can do damage nice is not the same as Walker s lack of wisdom creates evil not lack of niceness there were so many great family talk moments this year it may be hard to pick your favorite But don t worry we ve done it for you we ve selected 18 of the most popular broadcast of the past year and present them to you together on 6 audio C.D. s in the 2019 family taught best of broadcast collection these entertaining and informative programs are sure to
The Bible tells us that knowledge shall increase according to Daniel 12 versus 4 and that is exactly what is happening since the exponential curve at work in the 2nd interview with Billy Crone we re going to be speaking about modern technology we have an offer for you and Matthew McKelvey and he will later tell you how to get it and that will be at the end of the interview. We re back with Pastor Billy Crone scaring the living daylights out of us he s talking about modern technology the market of beast how those who remain on planet Earth will be hunted down sniffed out found who knows all kinds of things over the technology is just unbelievable in fact the Daniel troll forces that knowledge shall increase that means among other things knowledge to fine you if you re trying to hide you can hide there s no place to hide the only thing to do is put your faith in Jesus Christ and to be Egypt did from this plan of this awful planet but the Revelation tells us how bad it will be and we bel