You are listening to calle d.c. Going for h.d. 12 20 am and 95.3 f.m. And streaming online at 1220 k. Or d.c. Dot com a property broadcasting God and country station. Denver Christian Bible Church and the teaching ministry of Pastor John a more like you said because you are drawn away and enticed by your own fleshly desires is what Jane says Not when you re tempted you re tempted by God God cannot be tempted nor does he tempt any male with evil so stop letting the devil tell you maybe God wanted me to do this and so he could teach me this lesson that is not how God works Denver Christian Bible Church Monday through Friday at 7 30 am and at the door to come before we see you in service will see you in the collapse. Are you listening our world is filled with a never ending cycle of activity. Does increasingly harder to escape the noise. Hearing his voice allows us to grow in maturity as believers when we quiet the 95.3 f.m. K l d c That was Kevin Lavar with you are not alone Well good
Streaming at 560 the source dot com calle d.c. Denver calle d c h d Denver and calles e h t This is the cover Broadcasting Company. This is Haystack help Radio one came easy 560 days to kill Brady and was powered by haystack health dot com finding tales to be like finding a needle in a haystack but with a stack of dot com finding the needle just not easier than a stamp help radio with Scotland on t.l.c. 560. Good afternoon and welcome to a stack of Radio thank you so much for joining us today my name is Scott Waddle and we appreciate you being with us be sure and check out our website haystack Up dot com There you ll find a lot of great companies do business with them we have help box there in our Help Line is always open 303333 help 303333 help. Out. And run gets real quick or you sir get it you have to get a gym every morning go on telling you how 20 yard run I m out of breath Kahlo Delos with us o.-w. r S firm you can check out that website of yours Firm dot com Col is always kind
Welcome to our number 2 of the bottom line show today I m sure we talk about the things that are important to us in the body of Christ every day and Graham. But to me and on occasion we talk about very diligent student getting We always talk about spiritual issues but one of the questions that a lot of people are asking right now is why I was having this conversation with a friend the other day why is there what seems to be a growing number of biblically illiterate Christians right now people who profess faith in Christ worship God on a regular basis but they really I mean for lack of a better phrase really don t know what they re talking about well Michael Grady has taught Sunday school in Bible study groups for more than 30 years he s a c.p.a. But also is a certified lace speaker in the United Methodist Church and he has a brand new book out called making God part of your family it s part of the family Bible study book series here Michael Grady Welcome to the bottom line show today
Point 3 f.m. And streaming on at $1220.00 calle d.c. That come across for broadcasting guy and country station. We ll. Ask that you d open up your Bible is the 2nd chemically your you don t have a new King James we have some in the pew so you can kind of follow along with me the 2nd chemically the 1st chapter of the 3rd verse when you re found not go ahead and stand to your feet 2nd Timothy 1st chapter beginning of the 3rd verse This is Paul s letter to. His men Timothy and this is his 2nd letter. Word of where I thank God whom I serve with the pure conch. As my forefathers did as without ceasing I remember you in my prayers night and day isn t that comforting greatly desiring to see you being mindful of your tears I know how your hurt. And that I might be filled with joy when I see you when I call to remember and the genuine faith that is in you wished Well 1st and your grandmother Lois and your mother human Is this a new thing in your family a man. And I am persuaded it is in you a
To pick something out and so I have a bunch of like kids gifts in there for birthday parties and all these birthday bags they re like you know happy birthday bags and I buy the giant one so that even like a teacup could fit in it or like a pencil I don t care how small it is it will fit in that bag so I just buy like 15 giant bags of adult dollar store and so it s a gift closet but if they get too old then you re stuck with a bunch of like baby gifts so you ve got to make sure those kids get invited to those parties and use them up well you know where you find gifts like that is at the at the pediatrician you re probably doing it to the little treasure chest that you get as the teacher does it or the emergency room the guy you re exactly yeah so they get me going to my dad I try that there s a yogi of car and I spam tell you. I tried to because I was like Ok I m sick of running out to get out and I have to get off but they hand give cards Ashim give cards that our love the shop Yeah r