Your eleven o clock hour including sidewalk profits with the My Life the great in dealing with voices from the other side and I get there with even. When the wrong use a little bit stronger. When the fear in my. Breath. When my feet sustain it s a little bit weak. Where good move. Craig and Dean with the song voices from the other side here on K.J. a While and life choices pregnancy center in Montrose is hosting the scarlet chord inspired by the story of Rahab at the Pavilion on Thursday October fourth at seven thirty pm This Christian Ballet will be preceded by a dinner catered by True Grit beginning at five thirty pm The gas is forty five dollars each for dinner at the program and ballet or the cost is twenty dollars per adult and fifteen dollars per child for the ballet only you can register on line at Secure dot ministry scenic slash ministry scenic slash event slash or contact policy at nine seven zero three three one three seven seven one add Next more news ache this is left ch
And you re sure this. A life. Christian radio D.J. . ALAN KOHLER. On. The. authority as well which should be faithful to those. Under him. And maybe it comes down to the job some great proverbs talking about labor working diligence and here s one from Proverbs $66.00 go to the ENT Oh sluggard consider her ways and be wise goes on to talk about that the end doesn t have somebody cracking the whip the mom used to say but the ant just goes about their business and never stops here or try to move an ant hill. You know you just kind of dirt redirect there. In a funny new way and just keep longer. I know. I m using more but you can t. Just The military a smash hit. The earth is my leg. Move. The goal it is my feet. From. Can get me through. My way. For snake. Street may. Be on. You. To say. Bronx street. You see. Her. South. By the US. The rooms on the one on ones on my. View on from. The. Bench in Janet Co were always more covering the western slope with great music teaching and more
How he can take you mess and turn it into U S H. Romans chapter 8 tells us that neither life nor death nor angels or demons or anything else and all of creation can separate us from the love of God Hello everyone you are listening to family talk with your host distinguished psychologist and popular author Dr James Dobson I m Roger Marsh sitting in for Dr Dobson on this broadcast today you will hear the unbelievable testimony of a man who experienced the fervent pursuit of Christ s love as described in Romans 8 his name is Joseph Rojas he sat down with family talks co-host Dr Tim Clinton this past spring they talked about his troubling childhood and young adult life which was scarred by an abusive father depression and drug use Joseph also shared how he drastically encountered God and witnessed firsthand the reconciling power of God s love and grace now you might recognize Joseph Rojas as the lead singer for the Dove Award winning Christian rock band 7th day slumber they sold nearly ha
Airlines adding more flight to New Zealand bigger planes has flown to carry passengers college football games across the south and elsewhere this cargo based airline says he had it seats will bring passengers to top college football markets United says that of more than $240000.00 total seats more details. This is noncommercial and listener supported K J O L A Grand Junction K J O L F M Montrose N.K.J.V. Why you don t the local Christian radio for the western slope. It s the top of the 7 o clock hour this Saturday morning I m Rachael Barry with you here on K.J. a Well where you can hear the lights and up next we ll be having a Ranger bill but also stay tuned afterwards for a downed plane episode today s Ranger bill is called Runaway bill and stumpy inspect a $350.00 time that Topo when its barges catch on fire I wonder what caused that well let s find out as Up next here s Ranger bell on K J A Well. Ranger bill one year of the wood line struggling against extreme odds probably dangero
Taking place in the body we don t always observe and are always aware of the changes that are taking place in the mind because they begin to think logically and they re changing emotionally they re up in detail in the morning they might be very wonderful and loving the afternoon totally different so they re going through all these changes you know and I think as parents if we don t become conscious of those and recognize these as normal changes then we can be in conflict with our teenagers maybe you have a teen in your family who has surprised you with an emotional outburst or you found yourself in an unexpected debate over something that really makes no sense at all that is living with a teenager and if you have preteens Watch out it s coming today on focus on the family with Jim daily we re going to hear a lot more about parenting your teenager advice and insight from Dr Gary Chapman and as I said Jim Daly is your host I m John Fuller John I think most families live in this spot we