Hemisphere s. Yes the work of fools. What are we doing with the current president but enough of political commentary Good evening and thanks for tuning into hemispheres of the C evening and thanks for choosing listener supported community radio Cajun you Boulder Denver and for Collins and of course beyond that K.G. And you dot org I m your host Jim Nelson and. I just want to say that every month the roundtable team reviews news from around the world giving our listeners a perspective any analysis of international news not often heard in the corporate mainstream media and of course the panelists are here as they always are most of the time unless someone s off on vacation but we re such a hardworking crew we don t take vacation now that. Anyway. I m in a fun mood tonight. You carry me in my reviews the Japanese press Yukari is here in the air studio welcome Yukari Thank you. And you re just going to buy some US Also joining us here in the air studio Joe you has Joe reviews the Western
Russia dismisses international concerns about a recent nuclear accident there saying it s nobody else s business Syrian rebels appear to have lost one of their key strongholds in the north of the country and Hong Kong Zimm battle leader promises dialogue but how will protesters respond also on the news or the police give us their people which we had to sign understand what I m going to print but they covered it with their hands and didn t tell us what we were signing we report from Istanbul where the authorities are accused of sending refugees back into a war zone the latest Italian political drama a scene from the beach there is a car is and they change their mantle they say that all of it again you re listening to a new bolder Denver and for clowns and later. Kyra you had a lucky escape from a collapsing iceberg 1st our top stories. B.B.C. News Hello I m Gerri Smit Syrian activists say Hardison rebel fighters have pulled out of the strategic Turner Harnish in the province after days
right you re listening to ALL hit radio and it s 53 degrees at 30 minutes past the hour right now and all request line I ve got my graduate on the phone Hey baby why did you write me here. Hey baby I m sorry I can t hear you too well you re going to have to speak a little closer to the phone OK what would you like to hear again we. You know hey Mike I m sorry babe but that s not on our playlist and by the way you sound great over the phone anyway if you give us your requests Ruby got the boys for you babe so spirit we. Bring you all listen my gums are big but we do it like me I m sorry my gray there s I can. Make you. Baby. In you. Tease him. saying Good going to say come over. For love maybe. You won t show. Some stuff. Arliss night. Yo have a pocket. Full of stuff that will. Never a. For. It s 321 here at you Boulder Denver and Fort Collins I m Kathy Frazier your host for restless mornings and our theme today is out of this world in celebration of the 50th anniversary of the Apol
But. It s also. Carmody it is to. Be a couple feet again. I mean. Well being. Among. Thank. You. This. Is. The name Weak Karrar are. Stopping this. He s. head. In love with me. Make up my knowing. With. No secrets I got. To love we didn t. Make up I know. We did no. One. Come to get the. Thing I can tell. Them we didn t. Make up my new gun. We did. The puppy so well. That we didn t. Pick up my nose. And we didn t tell them to. Me Why you re just 3. 3. 3. You mean well maybe plonk me and the privilege to. Present them with. Something not to. Take you live we didn t. Make up my nose. And we did not like the party so well. That we didn t just pick up my nose. And we did. All right that s the rap CA The Hear heard Alice. Talent tavern. Make it as sounds great in the place. You know we re going to sign it off this is your community radio station. Fort Collins the corner of.
That makes the kid or the young adult in appropriate or in eligible for diversion then we don t have to offer diversion it s really within our discretion that being said we do do what we can to be in the community to train on what it is that we do what options there are and one of the. Really innovative parts of this is that we can also include law enforcement in the Restored of justice process and so that s something that we we have had great success with different departments have different policies and they re able to prioritize and encourage their officers to participate. We ve heard before that some people thought that restored of Justice was really a slap on the risk that we had you know we sat in a circle and people drink tea and saying or held hands and that was kind of it and what we find is that when community members and law enforcement participate they re really. They re really impressed with how I mean if you think about being a kid and it would be really hard to sit in a