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Used to real life learning real life when Tuesdays at six pm on am twelve twenty K.T.O. Doubling. Its habit forming a few K.T.O. Telling how well Joe San Jose San Francisco the Bay Area s business leaders a service of sales. From the box Business Network Sprint shares are rallying up more than six percent after reports saying Sprint and T. Mobile might have a better chance of completing their merger because they plan to work together on a national five G. Network in New York Post says the Justice Department is considering the possibility that only for Rise of an A.T.M. T. Have the money to each build up five G. System Sprint and T. Mobile have said they need to work together to afford building the technology some analysts believe blue apron has a chance of turning its business around because of its relationship with Cosco However blue apron shares are down more than seven percent Apple s shares are flat Apple insiders says a chip supplier Taiwan Semiconductor had to take several facto
With these ARM products that the banks have right now they can be tied to an index that s another way to do it. We can stagger the balloon payments as we ve talked about before so anyway there s just a lot of wonderfully creative things that can be done to make the transaction work on both sides Well it sounds like a really good way that a lot of people probably haven t even thought about making their transactions work and yeah I m hoping that some of our listeners will hear this and realize that there may be solutions out there that would work for them and you know they give us a call and we d help them out you bet Mike I want to thank you for being my guest co-host today and sharing your wisdom and expertise with us of course my pleasure and we ll be back next week for some more insider tips from Dr Chuck thanks for joining us. This has been your real estate insider with Dr Chuck fury it s his mission each week to make real estate easy and fun if you have a specific challenger story
With us are amazing Patrick phosphate as a weapon President Nicolas Maduro says authorities have captured some of those responsible for what he is calling an assassination attempt in an impassioned address to the nation Madeira said some of the material authors of an attack with drones are now in custody he said far right wing factions are responsible but are a Datsun apparent assassination attempt when drones armed with explosives detonated while he was delivering a speech to hundreds of soldiers being broadcast on live T.V. Saturday also Deseret News dot com 2nd then that critics marched outside N.R.A. Headquarters in Northern Virginia Saturday. And Portland Police Bureau says 4 people were arrested during Roddie protests between right wing activists and self described as fascists The bureau says in a statement that officers also seized multiple weapons throughout the day for the fascists a special election in Ohio 12 congressional district Tuesday is really just a preview of Novemb
You have to pick up that phone and stop being scared if you re in the market and if you re sitting cash pick up the phone give me a call we will be more than happy to 50 on the cell phone talk tomorrow have a wonderful wonderful weekend you have been listening to the daily addition of Market Wrap IMO And sorry I will be back with you at the same time on Monday until then good trading. Mowen sorry s opinions about specific investments are not investment advice for recommendations to any individual listener opinions are not based on the specific financial situation of any investor so they may be unsuitable for some investors Compaq asset management and its clients some of the investment scholars ask about their 4 Momi have an interest in giving a favorable or unfavorable opinion of the investment because of time limits individual investments owned by Compaq and its clients cannot be specifically identified the information on market does not constitute a solicitation of the sale or purch