KAMPALA: The Army today [Jan 25] claimed to have ousted President Obote of Uganda after 12 hours of bloody fighting between rival factions of the armed force. A Ugandan Army spokesman announced over Radio Kampala that Maj-Gen Idi Amin Dada will be responsible for the Government after today’s [army] takeover.
The Inspector General of Police in Uganda, Mr E. W. Oryema said in a broadcast special announcement today that the country now had a military government. He said he would be responsible for police under the Commander of the Uganda Army and Air Force, Maj-General Idi Amin Dada. …
Troops today surrounded Parliament and the residence of President Milton Obote. The Radio announcer said the Army “has taken over the government because it was totally dissatisfied with Obote’s economic policies and corruption and tribalism in the government.”