Stead he personifies the director s pain his need to create nonetheless even in this winter years it s a beautiful film if you have a chance to see pain and glory I really recommend it for now though let s get into my interview with Antonio Derose. On talking about that us welcome to balls I it s so great to have you on the show thank you very much and I also want to let you know for our listeners at home as well that you smell very nice thank you you smell great I m trying to get. A few years ago I had. You in here and he actually he doesn t like to do interviews in English he s embarrassed of his English but his English is very good and she and I talked about migraine he suffers from migraine and and I do too and I felt like when I talked to him about it he was very touched to talk about it it s a hard thing to talk about but it was very much to talk about it and I was very surprised but in a way not surprised that that kind of pain is such a big part of pain and glory. You ve known
Henri s and they will live forever. And then. We ended the set with Brenda Fassie from. South Africa also not all round what is it I swear every song I played over there in that set. None of the artists is alive. And it was just I swear I did not plan it it must be like the best artist. The departed once in Africa or maybe we don t appreciate them until they are gone which is very sad sad indeed. We re going to give the show going and this time I m going to my neighborhood in western Kenya the key see. The band is called by now. From an album called the dot com boys this song here they have actually brought the . They re there tempting to be the dot com You know livin in the digital era and singing about. This was a song that they did a ballot. Of made How does help so is the context in Kenya and I know in a lot of African countries. Even the middle class people can afford maids they can afford to hire people who. Help them with the you know children like living nannies and and they d
Well can we also. Even Thomas who played with together and they were going with us it was $76.00 who didn t play in clubs really who played in the old system community halls around the country especially the muscle the winds it was tough then most groups played copyrights and you have to be very good people compared you with what they hear from the radio and they have to mesh that that s just a few no. But we did its. Face was the 1st time all of them to could see and promise much from was shared the same stage in fact in the same band Most came he wanted they were going to Became up because they have this new song which used Bruton is only used in wanting to move your agent in to did one of my favorite songs give you an emotional barrier to sure. That other. People have that in the way do you really wish you knew. I was right in the 1st place when I was doing my own just. In this game is the right direction my main concern sitting on this great I m doing my own No I d made him for th
But in several weeks of protests Chile had recorded a greater number of severe I injuries than anywhere else in the world Mr Meza said the college had informed the police of what was happening but eye injury victims have continued to come in Chile s President Sebastian Pinera has vowed to prosecute members of the security forces accused of rights violations more than 800 are already being investigated 3 men have been arrested in connection with a violent attack in Mexico on Monday which killed 3 mothers and 6 children from a us Mormon family 8 children survived the ambush by drug cartel gunmen The B.B.C. s Will Grant says there s conflicting accounts about whether the family were targeted the position of the Mexican authorities at this stage is that it was a mistake that this was a questionnaire for mistaken identity that earlier in the day there had been a clash between one rival cartel and another and that when they saw that convoy of S.U.V.s being driven by mothers with their child
Didn t Trump and the impeachment inquiry in Washington polls in the state of closed n.p.r. Sarah McCammon is in Richmond keeping an eye on key races the big races to watch and our 1st of all Virginia the legislature here in Richmond is narrowly controlled by Republicans but 2 years ago right after President term selection Democrats picked up 15 seats in the house this year the entire legislature is up for election and Democrats are very hopeful that they will take control we ll have to see as the returns come in tonight whether that actually happens N.P.R. s Cheryl McCann and other races to watch involve contests in Kentucky Mississippi and New Jersey the security of American elections has been an open question since Russia stage a multifaceted interference campaign leading up to the 2016 election but as N.P.R. s miles parks explains on this Election Day So far the federal government says voting has gone according to plan 3 years ago Russian backed tacklers were able to break into the