actually denying the jews are minorities, calling jon stewart a bigot and softening it saying he was prejudiced. over the weekend, one, he was fired. two, the backlash has started and they were taping an event for comedy central and jon stewart kind of couldn t resist the temptation and took another hit back at rick sanchez saying basically if you went on radio and said the jews control the media, you may want to hold onto your money and also said if sanchez was right about the jews suggested, quote, all he has to do is apologize to us and we ll hire him back. david letterman said he was at the event to help rick clean out his office. the backlash started so in addition to losing his job celebrities are firing back. we have a messy, messy situation for him. i have to say also sanchez, when you hear an excerpt, you think maybe that was misportrayed or not an accurate portrayal. the entire radio interview plays like that.