a bit of a history of this in the dirty how much do you think it will have an impact? sometimes these things can backfire. this is like this nerdy centrist jon ossoff who is not running a particularly left-wing campaign and to tie him to political violence, i mean, it s it s disgusting, but, you know what, these kind of negative ads like that, they don t use them they use them for a reason because often they work. it s a politics is dirty business. so, listen, there s also this radio ad that put put out by a pro-trump group. it used former president barack obama s voice out of context. listen to this. police brutality rampant. when the so-called black committeemen came around election time, we d all line up and vote the straight democratic ticket. sell our souls for a christmas turkey. let s not sell out for another christmas turkey. obama s spokesman said this is a fraudulent use of his voice. he said it is shameful, by the
way. and by the way, what the ad doesn t say is that the audio is actually president obama reading a passage from his book, dreams of my father. he s actually quoting someone else. playing a character. he s right. what the hell is happening here? mark? well, i mean, look, we shouldn t be surprised that any of this is happening. politics has always been dirty. it s now just becoming more pronounced. i mean, we see it on social media. if you were to go back and look at history and look at dirty play in politics, it was always done. it was just done at a different level. we re now just seeing it exposed, quite frankly, in kind of being thrown out there. oftentimes, though, these ads that we re seeing like that television ad, i m sure that this radio ad, there s not a whole lot of money behind them. might run a couple times and most people will never see the ad except the media, us, who then look at the ad and say, i can t believe that this is happening. it actually gets a lo
being sued for that right now. so i think it s important to tone down the rhetoric. that has to happened from both sides, but the president is primarily responsible and he needs to help lead that effort, and he hasn t done that. and in the case of montana, gianforte won after that assault, later for which he apologized for. this pro-trump group, they re using it totally out of context in this radio ad, in order to convince the georgia s 6th district black democrat ecvoters to switch to the republican party. listen. announcer: police brutality rampant when the so-called came around election time, we all line up and vote the straight democratic ticket, sell our souls for a christmas turkey. the ad doesn t mention that president obama is quoting a barber about the system in 1983.
issue. the question is does the candidate have the deep roots and connections to the district and i do. let me play a clip, sean spicer was asked about whether president trump would be heading to georgia to get out the vote for your opponent. let s take a listen. i don t know. if needed. i think the president will make sure that he does everything he can to maintain majorities and further the party, but we ll see if we re needed. if president trump comes to georgia, would you consider bringing out maybe some people on your end? i know there have been celeb briltities who endorsed you. samuel jackson did a radio ad for you, chelsea handler, debra messing, so many publicly pish position f push foug. would you turn up the volume on your end? i appreciate everyone s interest. but this really comes down to who can present a compelling vision for the economic development of metro atlanta. we have the busiest airport in the world in the area. we have a deep water port.
circus. everyone is looking for national implications, but all polits is local. that s why millions have flooded into that district. millions and millions of dollars to get samuel jackson taping a radio ad. seeing whether the democratic resistance can actually mean anything. so far they came up short in kansas. they came close, but still it was short. we ll see. i ve kind of memories of wendy davis and folks like that being the next big thing in the democratic party and able to turn these red areas blue. typically they come up short. today is his best hope, though? it doesn t mean he can t win it. anyone can do anything in today s politics. donald trump has proven that. in this district to get 50% it his best chant, isn t it?