democrats. okay. to honor those of who you do work and do make this country as great as it is. that do believe in thetali capitalist system and theer american system. you are the ones we celebrate today, that i c celebrate in today s special show. celebrate we have great h guests wave have seen. yea you will love this lwe start with pete hegseth. one of my favorite people in the world is pete hegseth, a great patriot, smart. a fighter. an honor to have you on. you have written a book that is sk tho greatly important. i don t know how you timedit it. for the american mind, uprooting a century of miseducation, this appliesin to everything going on today. if the radical left hass control of education, can k-12 in brain washingil our children it is over.why why did you write this book. boo i don t want it to be over. like you.e only an educate the populous is a free populous, that is what your founders understood, that is also what the left knows. you wrote a book thatt contrib
radical teachers unions or joe biden or common core orac barack obama. no, no. this is a 100 year for over 100 year progressive project, john dewey and f francis willard, chapter 6 to tie it to current events vate line from critical race theoryry to ant antifa. the ideas that promulgated in places like columbiaan university, have made their ways into first thend classroom and curriculum. but now into our streets, they are breeding a newre claseds of radical leftists activists comes out was not just the universities butju high schoolsst and middle schools and elementary. what i want to do with this book circ quip equip parents and grandparents to know the depth of the problem sos the ty can be a part of the solution, and a