peace when we can actually engage in some thoughtful conversation about war? yeah, melissa, when you said this is ending, not with a parade, but with a conversation, you re exactly right. i had a when i learned the news that osama bin laden was killed, i, like i think most americans, had a very emotional reaction to that. i had a bookend very similar reaction to this morning watching the president announce the end of the iraq war. between those two events over the past six months, the 9/11 era is over and the 9/11 era is the george busw. bush administration that was in place when 9/11 happened. no one will be able to sell to america again the crock pot cockamamy foreign policy idea of the bush administration which is war could be something constructive, a creative force for reshaping the world in a positive way that was good for america. that was a radical faction neo con idea that got ahold of the