Radha Subramanyam is not buying the narrative that pandemic streaming has put a stake in the heart of broadcast TV. Subramanyam, chief research and analytics officer at CBS Corp., says instead, we’ve landed in a more complex media ecosystem, one in which SVOD and AVOD streaming options have a place beside live TV, which viewers […]
Despite a Year of Challenges, New Opportunities in TV, Streaming and Advertising Take Center Stage at TVOT LIVE! Spring 2021, a Uniquely Social Event
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Hear from a network of TV and advertising experts leading the television industry into tomorrow – with 150+ leaders participating in highly informative sessions and unparalleled business networking
“This event was one of the most successful virtual shows I went to last year,” said industry strategist and consultant Albert Lewitinn, an industry veteran and long-time TVOT participant. SAN FRANCISCO (PRWEB) April 12, 2021
InteractiveTV Today is bringing back The TV of Tomorrow Show’s virtual event, TVOT LIVE!, April 26-30, 2021. TVOT LIVE! Spring 2021 will bring together 150+ industry leaders who are driving innovation in such areas as advanced advertising, audience measurement and research, attribution, broadcast/local TV, FAST, AVOD, SVOD, inter