RADA Electronic Industries Ltd. (NASDAQ:RADA – Get Rating) was the recipient of a large growth in short interest in March. As of March 15th, there was short interest totalling 858,600 shares, a growth of 23.5% from the February 28th total of 695,000 shares. Based on an average trading volume of 466,400 shares, the short-interest ratio […]
RADA Electronic Industries (NASDAQ:RADA – Get Rating) was downgraded by investment analysts at Alliance Global Partners from a “buy” rating to a “neutral” rating in a research note issued on Thursday, The Fly reports. Several other brokerages have also recently weighed in on RADA. Canaccord Genuity Group reduced their price target on RADA Electronic Industries […]
RADA Electronic Industries Ltd. (NASDAQ:RADA – Get Rating) was the recipient of a large drop in short interest in February. As of February 28th, there was short interest totalling 695,000 shares, a drop of 21.4% from the February 13th total of 884,700 shares. Based on an average trading volume of 492,500 shares, the short-interest ratio […]