Lafayette City Court Judge Michelle Odinet is taking an unpaid leave of absence after she repeatedly used a racial slur in a video recorded at her home and posted to social media, and Gov. John Bel Edwards on Thursday called for her resignation.
the show. you think spitzer won t win? spitzer will not win. we have polls for the comptroller? excuse me, i mean weiner. weiner will not win. spitzer has this name recognition advantage. spitzer i was going to ask, if you think that might be sometimes the simplest explanation, and maybe right now spitzer is polling, because it is the comptroller race! when was the last guy running for comptroller on jay leno! people don t even know what it does. they don t even know how to spell it. you know what it does, it gives you a stepping stone to mayor in 2017. that s what it does. but i would agree with you, i think anthony weiner, he s just trying for too much. he went too far. mayor! go back to city council member, or maybe even try for congress, but mayor? that s the humility. climb a little bit. after i got six months in prison, sentenced by this racist