america sayh ve known peoe who were moderte who felt when they ft racial screening at airports have atually then turns towards exemism. it s a dangerous weapon, racial screeng. i think it s already happening here but it is something that has tbebe usedcarully e. first of all,appy mher s day to katty and all the moms. yes,orgive me for missing th. i was struckuring that conversation about racial proling that the would p pn from pennsylvaniald not ha been stopped or interrogatedif this werthe central approach to stopping terrorists. this is a hard pro. how dwe protect ourselves and at the same time remain a nati rooted i liberty alaw? we have faced this proble many times in our hisry goiback to e vil war, thewo world wars, particularly world war i, the ldr, and we haven t alys privileged liberty as a untry. ihink what you re seeing in this debate is a kindoice beeen muddled appach. i think the obama admintration
america sayh ve known peoe who were moderte who felt when they ft racial screening at airports have atually then turns towards exemism. it s a dangerous weapon, racial screeng. i think it s already happening here but it is something that has tbebe usedcarully e. first of all,appy mher s day to katty and all the moms. yes,orgive me for missing th. i was struckuring that conversation about racial proling that the would p pn from pennsylvaniald not ha been stopped or interrogatedif this werthe central approach to stopping terrorists. this is a hard pro. how dwe protect ourselves and at the same time remain a nati rooted i liberty alaw? we have faced this proble many times in our hisry goiback to e vil war, thewo world wars, particularly world war i, the ldr, and we haven t alys privileged liberty as a untry. ihink what you re seeing in this debate is a kindoice beeen muddled appach. i think the obama admintration