this pain. how long did it take you to turn the corner a little bit. honestly, you never totally heal. there is always a hole in your heart when you lose a child. we have children and grand children. but there is always a missing gap there with rachel. it does you go through stages of shock ask disbelief and anger and whole gamut of emotions and the initial sting in the first two or three years begins to wear off and you never lose it completey loo. and celebrating their lives and focus on that and not direct the anger toward the shooter and even fractis and this is not a time for those parent to hear but we chose to forgive and some people can t
gifts. kids at this age excited about santa claus and christmas is it coming, and now planning a funeral and no christmas or birthdays, how do you recover? you have been through this. well, there is nothing you can tell a parent that lost the child. they need their friends and family. in our case, we made choices. we made the choice not to be angry and better but to celebrate rachel s life and today we have the largest school training programs and reach three million students a year with rachel s challenge and train over 300,000 children and school 500 suicides prevented. a lot of the answers are long term. they are not just a knee jerk reaction or more laws and
tragedy? i think that, that you know, it s just very sad, and i think that a lot of people have been reminded of columbine here in the community, but we re trying to be there for and in support of people that are suffering now that have lost loved ones that were injured, that are more directly impacted by the shooting. and it s just a sad time in colorado. alisyn: yeah. craig, we remember you back in 1999 in the aftermath of the horrible columbine shooting and you and your family, you know, you wanted to do something in memory of rachel, your sister. you started rachel s challenge and traveled the country trying to educate parents and students about warning signs. what are the warning signs that something like this movie massacre are about to happen? you know, i think that it s hard to predict any kind of random act of violence like
this, where you have someone that s just going to go into a random place and shooting and kill innocent people, people that he may have never met or had any interaction with, but what we tried to do with rachel s challenge, we try to affect culture through the power of story and give challenges dealing with kindness and compassion, how you treat one another, and kind of contribute to the atmosphere and culture like of the schools. and that actually, we feel like it s been an antidote to anger or hatred or violence. we know that when we ve gone to schools and we ve done our program there, that we have actually known about school shootings that have been prevented or students planning to hurt themselves or others, had a change of heart. so, for us, it s not so much about trying to identify who could possibly do a shooting
arizona and we re not sure exactly who the president is going to meet with, but we should know by the end of the day today. stay tuned for that. alisyn: peter doocy, thanks so much. we get to the important stories, how can we ever identify the warning signs if someone is about to snap? well, after losing his sister, rachel scott, in the columbine high school massacre back in 1999, her brother started rachel s challenge along with the rest of the family and they traveled to schools around the country to educate parents and student how they can identify the common warning signs. the columbine shooting survivor craig scott, rachel s brother, joins us now from aurora, it s nice to see you this morning, before we get to your sister and how you travel the country. tell us how that area is doing this morning in light of what happened with columbine and now, years later this horrible