A <em>Barbie</em> production designer said "the world ran out of pink" because of how much paint the movie set needed. It had apparently been in short supply to begin with.
British documentarian Alex Holder confirmed on Tuesday that he had complied with a Jan. 6 committee subpoena for never-before-seen footage of the president in the leadup to the insurrection.
Sens. Barbara Mikulski and Margaret Chase Smith couldn t wear pants or use the main bathroom during their tenures, when female senators were scarce. Rooms in the Capitol now honor their legacies.
The new fast-food chain opened in Moscow on Sunday. It replaced the iconic Golden Arches with two bold orange backslashes and a red circle, representing a tiny burger and a pair of large fries.
Some Ukrainian advocates and lawmakers have long campaigned for the legalization of medical cannabis. A revised version of a bill that failed last year is heading back to Parliament with new urgency.