Hoping to draw attention to what they view as destructive policies promoted by the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC), Stanford Asian American Action Committee hosted a teach-in to launch their “No to APEC” campaign.
Class of 2021 holding out hope for a somewhat normal end to senior year
Seniors lament loss of learning and social life
Seniors from Jeffco Public Schools and across the state say they ve lost out on many senior experiences due to remote learning and quarantines.
and last updated 2021-01-27 11:58:26-05
Few would disagree that the class of 2020 had a rotten end to their senior year. But some members of the class of 2021 feel theyâve been dealt an even worse hand.
On Monday, high school students in Jeffco Public Schools returned to hybrid learning, but some students say theyâve already lost too much of the year.