Gavin truit give him a hand and the earlier birthday boy and a special thank you to commissioner president murase for your support for helping fund this program each person will be dpoomentd accommodating 10 on february 25th we must raise more than 10,000 every year to support this tent to on bother of the students all are welcome to attend and we will also gladly take our donations i have a Program Given to the commissioners last yearbook let so thank you see you on february 25th there you go. Thank you very much is ms. Emily thompson here. Thank you very much so next, we will have speakers on the colocation of rb wells and john o comfortable ill call several names at the same time calling names please come forward i understand that translation will be provide and we want to hear from as many speakers as possible please refrain from applause we want to get as many people in the 40 minutes that includes translation thank you very much. Thank you for hearing us we want the students to s
Richard carr do has been a supporter of this education thank you to the instructor gavin truit give him a hand and the earlier birthday boy and a special thank you to commissioner president murase for your support for helping fund this program each person will be dpoomentd accommodating 10 on february 25th we must raise more than 10,000 every year to support this tent to on bother of the students all are welcome to attend and we will also gladly take our donations i have a Program Given to the commissioners last yearbook let so thank you see you on february 25th there you go. Thank you very much is ms. Emily thompson here. Thank you very much so next, we will have speakers on the colocation of rb wells and john o comfortable ill call several names at the same time calling names please come forward i understand that translation will be provide and we want to hear from as many speakers as possible please refrain from applause we want to get as many people in the 40 minutes that includes
Commissioners last yearbook let so thank you see you on february 25th there you go. Thank you very much is ms. Emily thompson here. Thank you very much so next, we will have speakers on the colocation of rb wells and john o comfortable ill call several names at the same time calling names please come forward i understand that translation will be provide and we want to hear from as many speakers as possible please refrain from applause we want to get as many people in the 40 minutes that includes translation thank you very much. Thank you for hearing us we want the students to speak first, i know that the order you have can we have the students speak first. Yes. If the students can identify themselves. Sure. Hello my name is Rachel Chevrolets we want to talk about that this is a cycle thats important issue in our city hall from any pencil views we dont believe that ivory should move we fought this problem i dont feel that moving to another school is going to solve it get rid of them and