Sick days used to mean resting, not working. Now, however, more employees are logging in from home as they fight illness – after all, if people are remote already, why take time off?
Remote working during the pandemic shrank employees’ worlds. Now, some colleagues feel like they simply don’t exist in workers’ daily lives – and it's having an effect.
Robert C. Litchfield is an associate professor in the Department of Economics and Business and is the coordinator for programs in International Business and Human Resource Management. He teaches organizational behavior, human resource management, leadership, and the strategic management capstone.
Dr. Litchfield’s research focuses on creativity, innovation, and the psychological underpinnings of management interventions. His work has been published in scholarly journals such as Academy of Management Review, Journal of Product Innovation Management, Group and Organization Management, Journal of Creative Behavior, Human Performance, Industrial Marketing Management, Journal of Career Assessment, Judgment and Decision-making, Motivation & Emotion, Research in Personnel and Human Resource Management, and Strategic Organization.