Investigation reveals that the owners of TRP Game Zone in Rajkot had forged back-date applications and made bogus entries into the inward register of the Rajkot Municipal Corporation. The police seek remand for the 10th accused, co-owner Ashiksinh Jadeja, who surrendered after the fire tragedy. Additional charges of forgery, destruction of evidence, and conspiracy may be added against the accused. The court will decide on the application during the next hearing.
Investigation into the horrific TRP Game Zone fire in Rajkot has led to the arrest of four Rajkot Municipal Corporation officials for alleged negligence. Police are probing their bank accounts and properties. Key accused Prakash Hiran was associated with the spa business and owned stakes in companies running the game zone. The investigation is ongoing with searches and statements being recorded.
Zone operators in Rajkot failed to learn from a previous fire incident at a game zone, leading to tragic consequences. The police are investigating the lack of approvals and cooperation in the case.