Nedgroup Santa Dash
A Cuppa And A Chat
Afternoon Tea
Flower Arranging Demonstration
Guided Tours
Isle Of Man Railways
Open Air Cinema 2020 Santa Charity Dash raising funds for The Children s Centre and Reach IoM.
All entries cost £5 and the full amount raised will be split between two charities, Isle of Man Children’s Centre and Reach IOM.
Wednesday 16th December at 12pm.
Bar George will be used as Race Headquarters for registration.
Monday October 26th 2020.
Nedgroup Charity Santa Dash Entries Open
On line entries to the Nedgroup Charity Santa dash are now open - simply visit the Facebook Page Nedgroup Charity Santa Dash and follow the link.
votes now separating tester for p from rosen dale. here s the interesting thing. it says 100% is in in missoula county. university of montana. a big democratic area. it does appear there s more vote coming out of missoula. the issue in montana there s so much mail-in voting. in how it displays here. that is potentially a very significant boost for test tore in terms of trying to find places where he can make up a less than 2300 vote gap. there are democratic areas that have yet to report vote. that missoula thing could be key. we want to go back to nevada. steve patterson is at jacky rosen s senate race headquarters in league. a big night for the democrat. with jacky rosen still on stage, this was a prime target for the democrats from minute one because dean heller was the
for fear of ambush and l.a.p.d. ace headquarters is surrounded by police officers in tactical gear because some of the people in this manifesto listed as being possible victims include the police chief. he has been named in this manifesto that somebody christopher dorner could be going after. jenna: wow, adam on the breaking news as we get it. adam housley live from riverside, california. back to that as we get more info. jon: very tense times as you can tell. an explosion at a sandwich shop. a guy is seen running from the scene and an worker injured in the blast. we ll take you to the latest. some of you should be getting ready for extreme winter weather. make your preparations now. an extreme storm is coming. we ll have the latest from the fox extreme weather center coming up i upgraded to the new sprint direct connect. so i can get three times the coverage. [ manager 2 ] it s like working in a giant sandbox. with all these huge toys. and with the fastest push-to-talk. i can keep t