well, it could be taken into account, but what you need to prove to a jury, remember, just because it s not charged as a race hate crime doesn t mean they re not going to be charged with first-degree murder. they will absolutely be charged as adults with murder. when you get into the motivation, just because these young men don t like white people doesn t mean that they committed a murder because of that dislike. they may have very good legitimate reasons. maybe they have been treated terribly by white people. when you get into the mind of a defendant, when you charge a hate crime, you have to show a huge pattern, not just speech but are they part of a group. okay. do they subscribe to racist literature, all of that. i get you. i want to get wendy in, do you think this is another case of bad choices made by young people? do you think there was race? do you disagree with the district attorney? i do agree with the district attorney. i don t think there s race here. i don t know