SOUTHBURY - B'nai Israel held a special interfaith lighting of the menorah Monday night, the fifth night of Hannukah, a holiday meant to kindle light and hope during what are typically the darkest days of the year.
And these days are particularly dark for those of the Jewish faith, noted Rabbi Er
SOUTHBURY The official naming of the "1937 Pond" and sign dedication ceremony at Heritage Village was held Friday at Sarah Cooke Hall.The pond's new name memorializes the year 1937 when Southbury residents stood up against an effort by the German-American Bund to build a pro-Nazi youth camp here,
WATERBURY - The local Jewish community is in shock and disbelief after Hamas' unprecedented attack on Israel on Saturday, leading to a full-fledged war in the country with the death toll climbing above 1,000 on both sides.
Rabbi Ari Weisenfeld, director of the Connecticut Office of Agudath Israel
There were prayers for the people of Israel at a gathering at B’Nai Israel of Southbury on Sunday. While the fighting is happening thousands of miles away,.
On Saturday, April 15th at 1:00pm, the Town of Southbury will hold a History Book Talk on “No Swastikas in Southbury” as part of its year-long 350th-anniversary celebration.