Translated and adapted by Yossi Baumol Reprinted with permission from “HaMizrachi” Spring 5782 Has the Religious Zionist community gone too far in adopting the teachings of Chassidut? Have we abandoned Rav Kook in favor of Rebbe Nachman? Rabbi Dov Singer, rosh yeshiva of Makor Chaim, Lifnai V’Lifnim and the Beit Midrash L’Hitchadshut, argues that Chassidic principles must be a part of modern Orthodox education. Yeshiva high schools have traditionally been based on the classic Lithuanian yeshiva, while adding some core secular subjects to the daily schedule.
I was already familiar with Karen Guth’s previous book, "Bubie’s in Bidud (Grandma’s in Isolation)," her book that came out in the midst of the COVID-19 Pandemic.
As part of its continuing effort to personalize Torah, Ma’ayanot hosted Rabbi Dov Singer, renowned Israeli educator and leader of Lifnai Velifnim, a program dedicated to building a culture of religious growth in schools.