squirrel hill. we went to the same high school. not at the same time. i m sure you were both a students. thank you very much, rabbi chuck diamond. up next, president trump s first veto returns a measure approved by a republican-controlled senate. he got beat in his own house. is this a sign republicans are ready to stand up? back after this. i can t believe. that we just hit the motherlode of soft-serve ice cream? i got cones, anybody wants one! oh, yeah! get ya some! no, i can t believe how easy it was to save hundreds of dollars on my car insurance with geico. ed! ed! we struck sprinkles! [cheers] believe it. geico could save you fifteen percent or more on car insurance.
migrants to new zealand. they may even be refugees here. they have chosen to make new zealand their home and it is their home. they are us. the person who has perpetuated this violence against us is not. they have no place in new zealand. there is no place in new zealand for such acts of extreme and unprecedented violence, which it is clear this act was. meanwhile in the united states, civil rights groups say they have been seeing an uptick in hate-motivated crimes of late. according to the fbi the number increased for the third consecutive year starting in 2016. the counsel on american islamic relations has seen an 17% increase in anti-muslim incidents nationwide. the gold star father and rabbi chuck diamond in pittsburgh, remember that, who suffered a similar gun attack when a gunman
of others and to respect others. that s why this attack is not only an attack on the jewish community. it s an attack on all of us in pittsburgh. and because we re so special, such a special tight-knit community, that we ll get through this and hopefully we ll be stronger. but it s going to be a long haul and we just have to really take it day by day. people who send their words of comfort, it means a lot to us. and we ve been getting these words and different acts of people writing letters, donating money. and it just means a great deal. but of course when we recover from a tragedy like this there s more to it and there s action needs to be taken. and maybe we can talk about that at another time. but in the short term it s the specialness of pittsburgh which will help all of us heal and move forward. rabbi chuck diamond i could have go on.
progressive jewish leaders also pushed back, calling on president trump to denounce white nationalism before coming to pittsburgh. in the wake of all this the president is refusing to take any blame for his tone and rhetoric. let s discuss now. rabbi chuck diamond is here. he s the former rabbi at tree of life. also dr. jonathan weinkle, who lives in the neighborhood of the tree of life synagogue and knew several of the victims. thank you so much for joining us. i am so sorry that you guys are having to deal with this. our hearts go out to you. i can t believe that you even can come on tonight. so thank you so much. rabbi, i m going to start with you. first, you know okay. how s your community coping tonight? well, you know, in some ways it gets more difficult with each passing day. at the beginning there s shock and people don t know what to make of it. and we re just sort of very numb.
but it s going to be a long haul and we just have to really take it day by day. people who send their words of comfort, it means a lot to us. and we ve been getting these words and different acts of people writing letters, donating money. and it just means a great deal. but of course when we recover from a tragedy like this there s more to it and there s action needs to be taken. and maybe we can talk about that at another time. but in the short term it s the specialness of pittsburgh which will help all of us heal and move forward. rabbi chuck diamond i could have go on. i could have told almost the same story as the rabbi. i live down the street my grandparents old house and i just met the guy who used to own my house, and i know two previous owners as well. marcus, you re welcome home anytime, my friend. my door s open. thank you. come on in.