3pif you drive in maryland..you could soon pay a lot more in maryland.. it appears a new gas ax is on the fast track in annapolis.. annapolis.. jeff abell. is live. in north baltimore./ ááwitháá news .thats. going to hit motorists./ where it hurts, jeff.. the pain just &pkeeps getting worse hhee at the pumps... this week, back up.. and the worse nnws for motorists may still &pbe ahead... a proposal to aise the ga over the next three years is getting the stamp of approval in annapolis.. that commissionnwas created by the legislature to find ways to restore revenue to the state s transportation trust fund. in the past decade, lawmakers have drained a billion dollars from the fund and used it for other projjcts.. now.funding for transportation is in critical condition.. so the panel is recommeeding increasing he ggs tax..increasing registration fees..and increasing most every fee that affects maryland motorists. 3 (10:10:56) our number one recommendation is to addd trust ba