Express News Service
NEW DELHI: The 2DG (2-Deoxy-D-glucose) drug will be equally effective on corona patients, believes Professor Dr Vinay Jain, former director of the Institute of Nuclear Medicine & Allied Sciences (INMAS), who played an instrumental role in introducing the drug in India for the treatment of brain cancer patients. 2DG has been given nod by authorities for treating Covid-19 patients.
“The metabolism of both tumour and Covid-infected cells is almost the same. Once the virus enters the cell, it replicates itself and uses a cell machiner. It is the same as what a tumour does in the human body. The energy requirement of the Covid virus is much similar to how the tumour functions. Hence, the drug will play a crucial role in treating corona patients,” Dr Jain said.He further noted that the drug has the potential to resist entry of the coronavirus into the body, though more verification is needed on that aspect.