"If we re going to keep regulating from the Statehouse then why should we even have city councils and other local governments?" asked state Sen. Greg Taylor.
Senate Bill 50 would permit public schools across Indiana to hire chaplains on a paid or volunteer basis to counsel students and staff during the school day.
2-01-24 Thursday News 12:00 A.M. E-2 In a news release to the media, Senator Mike Bohacek, (R-Michiana Shores) said, “Several bills I am supporting have recently moved through the legislative process.” To ensure our Second Amendment rights are not being restricted, Senate Bill 14 would allow certain statewide elected officials and their staff, members of the General
The Plymouth Chamber of Commerce is hosting a Third House Meeting this Friday, February 2nd, from 12:00 p.m. to 1:00 p.m. Third House Meetings give our legislators and the voters a chance to communicate in an open forum. Advocacy on behalf of members is at the core of the work the Plymouth Chamber does daily.
Age verification for adult content, school-bus stop-arm violations and guardian ad litems are the topics of three bills passed from their third readings in the Indiana Senate to the House