maybe they should just sell lotions and jewelry and clothes. why can t corporations adjust? they get into these situation scissors realize they have lost control. you have to remember corporations have massive bureaucracies of people. there is an agenda. an activism within the company. people who work at target because they see target as a vehicle for converting you to an idealogy. in schools they go into teach not because they want to teach you. they want to convert you. these are activists with a bigger goal than the industry or the sector they are. that s happening with bud light and target. people who work at directae watching this show. they said i have no idea this is going on. i don t want to be part of this. somebody else has taken over. these companies have to decide who are they. companies that bring america
SENATOR Paul A. Manglona who chairs the Senate Committee on Public Utilities, Transportation and Communications, last week pre-filed Senate Bill 23-29 which proposes to split the Commonwealth Utilities Corp. into
weee see companies do this alles the time. we see the m align themselves with government on issues like climate change and blm and reproductive issues. they go, whoa, this is what itee means to be woke in canada. so why wouldn t corporations align themselves with this next antihuman anti life thing? just wani just want to point oun how extreme canada is on this issue. s justin trudeau government hasai removed the ten day wait time from when you ask for medicalen assistance and suicide and when you receive it and you don t have to do it in writing, you can just verbally ask the stateo to kill you. to put this all into context, we had about sixteen thousandco deaths in canada relatedvi to covid dependsd, how on how y account that of covid or dea with covid, but it wasthno sixteen thousand deaths. we know that there were ten thousand requests in writing for medically assisted suicide and that doesn t take into count the deaths that
(File photo) MANILA - President Rodrigo Duterte has signed into law a measure that would further open up the Philippine retail sector to more foreign retail businesses by lowering their required paid-up capital. Republic Act (RA) 11595, which amends RA 8762, also known as the Retail Liberalization Act of 2000, was signed by Duterte on Dec. 10, 2021, and was released to reporters on Thursday. Duterte earlier certified the bill as urgent as part of efforts to encourage the entry of more investors and further boost economic recovery amid the prevailing coronavirus disease 2019 (Covid-19) pandemic. Under the law, "a foreign retailer shall have a minimum paid-up capital of PHP25 million." The current law sets the required capital at USD2.5 million or PHP119.67 million. The law also mandates the entry of foreign retailers coming from countries that do not prohibit the entry of Filipino retailers. In the case of foreign retailers engaged in retail trade through more than one physica