justice department and other people have to finally step up. the select committee obtained records from the national archives that show that scott perry was one of the congressman who joined that meeting. we learned from white house records, that you will now see on screen, that the very next day, representative perry returned to the white house. this time, he brought a justice department official named jeffrey clark. representative perry provided the following statements to his local tv affiliate. he said, quote, throughout the past four years, i ve worked with assist emitter knee general clark on various legislative manners. when president trump asked whether i would make an introduction, i obliged. but why jeff clark? let s hear mr. giuliani explain the kind of person that he and the president wanted at the top of justice. i don t remember ever recommending to anybody that mr. clark, meaning jeffrey
end of today s hearing, confirming that the committee has evidence that at least a half dozen republican members of congress sought presidential pardons against potential criminal prosecution in the waning days of the trump administration. you add those six names to trump lawyer john eastman, who the committee revealed last week also asked for a presidential pardon for his role in this plot to overthrow the government, i should mention that tonight, many of those half dozen republican members of congress are denying this from the committee today. congressman scott perry says he stands by his statement that he never sought a pardon. he said tonight, quote, this never happened. congressman marjorie taylor greene says the committee is quote spreading gossip and lies. after the hearing congressman mo brooks released a copy of the email shown by investigators in part, the copy shows that in fact he did request pardons for himself and a large number of congressional republicans. he does not
the same things he was talking about publicly. he wanted to talk about that he thought the election had been stolen or was corrupt. that there was widespread widespread fraud. i told him that our reviews had not shown that to be the case. we had an extended discussion, probably 15, maybe 20 minutes, something like that, with him, urging that the department of justice should be doing more with regard to election fraud. did he mention a jeff clark? yes. it was just in passing. he made, when i regarded as a peculiar reference, i don t remember the exact quote. it was something about did i know jeff clark? did i know who he was. something like that. i told him i did, and then the conversation just moved on. when i hung up, i was quizzical as to how does the president even know mr. clark? i was not aware that they had
the capitol, representative mo brooks sent the email on the screen now. as you see, he emailed the white house, quote, pursuant to a request from matt gaetz, requesting a pardon from matt gaetz himself and other unnamed others. witnesses told the select committee that the president considered offering pardons to a wide range of individuals connected to the president. let s listen to some of that testimony. and was representative gaetz requesting a pardon? i believe so. the general tone was we may get prosecuted because we were defending the president s positions on these things. the pardon that he was discussing requesting was as broad as you can describe, from the beginning of time up until
baseless conspiracy theory that an italian defense contractor uploaded software to a satellite that switched votes from trump to biden. the select committee investigation found that this wild baseless conspiracy theory made it from the recesses of the internet to the highest echelons of our government. on december 31st, mr. meadows received this internet conspiracy theory from representative perry. on the screen now is the text that representative perry sent to mr. meadows copying a youtube link with the message, quote, why can t we just work with the italian government? the next day, the president s chief of staff, sent the youtube link to mr. rosen, who forwarded it to mr. donoghue. mr. donoghue, did you watch this video? i did, congressman. how long was the video? approximately 20 minutes. let s take a look at an excerpt of that video if we may.