sends mchugh an article on the dangers of tps from a prominent white nationalist website. did he want you to parrot a white nationalist website? yes, he did. it was understood that miller had editorial control over the political section of breitbart news. reporter: well after miller joined trump s inner circle, the u.s. ended tps status for several countries. mchugh is ashamed her role in all of this. she was fired for an islamaphobic tweet among other things the website said, including for being a liar. you said, another crew side would do a lot of good. let s turn mecca into a strip mall. that s a quote from miller. that s a paraphrase of a conversation that we had. this was the tweet that ended up you getting fired over. there would be no deadly terror attacks in the uk if muslims did not live there. did you believe all these
dangers of tps from a white nationalist website. did he want you to parrot a white nationalist website? yes, he did. it was understood that miller had editorial control over the political section of breitbart news. the u.s. ended tps status for several countries. mccue is ashamed in her role in all of this. she was fired by breitbart for an islamophobic tweet. another crusade would do a lot of good. end muslim migration. that s a quote from miller. that paraphrases a conversation that we had. this is the tweet that ended up you getting fired over. there would be no deadly terror attacks in the uk if muslims did not live there. did you believe all these hateful, racist, islamaphobic
white nationalist website? yes, he did. it was understood that miller had editorial control over the political section of breitbart news. reporter: well after miller joined trump s inner circle the u.s. ended tps status for many countries. she was fired by breitbart for an islamaphobic tweet among other things breitbart said including for being a liar. another tweet, the only way to strike a balance between vigilance and terror is to end muslim migration. that s a quote from miller, a paraphrase of a conversation that we had. this was a tweet that ended up you getting fired over. there would be no deadly terror attacks in the u.k. if muslims did not live there. did you believe all these hateful racist islamaphobic things you were putting out there on your twitter feed? i did. why should people believe you re sincere? because i believe in publicly
victims coming to the u.s. they will all get pts. that will all get protection status. that needs to be the story and sends an article on the dangers of pts. did he want you to parrot a white nationalist website? yes, he did. it was understood that miller had editorial control over the political section of breitbart news. reporter: the u.s. ended tps status for several countries. she s ashamed of her role in all of this. she was fired by breitbart for an islamaphobic tweet including for being a liar. you said another crusade would do a lot of good. let s turn mecca into a strip mall. that s a quote from miller. that s a paraphrase of a consideration we had. this is the tweet.
trump s inner circle, mchugh is a shame of her role in all of this. she was fired by breitbart, including for being a liar. in 2015 you said another crewed is vigilance, discrimination and terror is to end muslim migration. that is a quote from miller. that is a paraphrase of a conversation we had. this is the tweet that ended up you getting fired over. no deadly terror attacks in the uk if muslims did not live there. did you believe all these hateful, racist, islam phobic things that you were putting out there on your twitter feed? i did. why should people believe you re sincere? because i believe in publicly confessing your sins and i also believe that, you know, working very hard to expose these networks that i was a part of and show how dangerous they are,