settled that case. and, now trump is back at it slamming manhattan district attorney alvin bragg calling him an animal. bragg is the first black manhattan district attorney. he can be in the grand journey that voted to indict trump bragg received at least on death threats among hundreds o others in the form of package. it was melt to his offic containing a note that sai alvin, i will tell you you said salaam the exonerated five near the famou person s word mattered then. that famous person, now an e president, his words matter no to joining me now is my friend an colleague, the great reveren al sharpton. he is the host o politicsnation here on msnbc in the founder and president of the nationa action network rev, you know da alvin bragg very well. can you just maybe walk us through about how he personall has been handling th legitimate threats on his life he has been very strong i think as any of us, he i