We’re fortunate to live in a time when U.S. bike manufacturing is more robust than ever. And it’s coming from everyone—legacy manufacturers and new bag designers alike.
Press release content from Globe Newswire. The AP news staff was not involved in its creation.
One-of-a-Kind Bike Rack Takes Off in Colorado’s Grand Valley
Grand Junction Economic PartnershipJanuary 22, 2021 GMT
Grand Junction, CO, Jan. 22, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) Last week, QuikRStuff welcomed new, automated CNC machines to its production facility in Grand Junction, Colorado, kick-starting a much-awaited second run for the fast-growing manufacturing startup. The expansion was made possible thanks to a successful fundraising round that included a $150,000 Advanced Industries Accelerator (AI) Grant from the Colorado Office of Economic Development and International Trade. QuikRStuff was the only company outside Colorado’s urban I-25 corridor among 37 AI grant recipients in November 2020.